Founder's Desk, Leadership & Productivity

100 days to your biggest goals!

100 days before the year ends!

22ndSeptember each year is a special day…it is from this date that you have exactly 100 days for the year to end. The perfect time to reflect on the year gone by and to realign yourself to the rest of the year that lies ahead. How you look at the rest of the year is a choice. A choice to see your wins and feel energized and move forward. Or look at all the things that did not get accomplished, how much farther you need to go to reach your goals and feel overwhelmed. 

Here are a few simple tips to get up, get going and get some super work done in the next 100 days. 

Pick your top goals: Begin by looking at which one or two key goals you would like to chase and get done. Choose those goals that will have the maximum impact on your life, the ones that will show the deepest shifts or the ones you’ve been putting away and you know they really need to get done. And break them into 20 day chunks – to mark your milestones. This is a great way to cut out any overwhelm you may experience. 

Set habits: New research indicates our body takes 66 days for any habit to become a way of life. And you have 100 days to get this done! Pick a habit that will take you closer to the top goals you just picked. Eg., If your top goal is to lose 5 kilos by end of the year, you may want to choose a habit of 45 min workout every day, or ensuring you drink 3 litres of water daily and so on. 

Small milestones: Set yourself small milestones to achieve every 20 days as mentioned in point one, with a specific marker. Eg., losing 1 kilo is a milestone you want to keep for a 5 kilo weight loss. This makes the journey a lot more enjoyable, with small wins of one kilo every 20 days. 

Celebrate small wins: Remember what gets appreciated, gets repeated. Each time you hit the milestone, celebrate by rewarding yourself. A reward could be anything you enjoy, like that cappuccino, or a small piece of cake, or watching your favourite series on Netflix! Great things happen when you take care of your mindset by keeping yourself motivated, and then treating yourself with a reward to feel inspired enough to go after the next milestone! 

Despite our best intentions, plans and actions, very often we fall short of achieving our goals. The 100 day technique can be a game changer to give your will power and determination a booster dose to put on your blinkers and refocus again, and move forward, one day at a time! Make your next 100 days count!