Time – the biggest asset we all have – and one that everyone gets every single morning, in equal amount! And yet, at the end of each day, only some of us accomplish a lot and a bigger lot gets through the day, but with a lower sense of accomplishment. Here are my 5 favourite productivity hacks that will help you enjoy more days of the week, feeling great about getting things done!
Plan time to schedule your top priorities – Write down how many hours the job will take to get done, what day you plan to do it, what time will you do it and set time limits. Eg., I will complete that accounts review, on this Wednesday from 10 am to 1 pm.
Do the tough job first and boost your productivity – Research shows that your energy goes way up, when you get the biggest piece of work done first thing in the day and gives you a super sense of accomplishment. This fuels you up even further to push through the rest of the tasks and tick them off your list (usually before time!)
Time block minus technology – When it is time for you to get that scheduled job done, shut out technology – no mail, no call, no social media. This focused time allows you to give the job at hand your undivided attention and best shot (like I am using my time block window to write this blog today!)
Work in productive spurts – Give yourself a 15 minute walking or social media break after a 90 minute focused work window. Be a sprinter in your head not a marathoner. The latter leads to energy sapping days at work and lowers your motivation, making it tougher to get back on top of your work load. (Make sure you drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated and to keep your brain active!)
2 minute productivity rule – If a task will take no longer than 2 minutes to complete, then do it right away and don’t keep it for later – this ensures your to-do list does not keep adding new items and cause unnecessary overwhelm!
Do you face productivity issues and feel demotivated often? Leave a comment below on which area of your life would you like to address productivity in and (maybe) together, we can find a way out!