Founder's Desk

7 fail-proof tips to Mastery – Part 2 of 2

7 tips to mastery continued….2 of 2


Most successful people attribute their productivity and consistency to their morning rituals. Whether you are a morning or an evening person, this works – find your rhythm. This is a simple one yet very potent – the Hour of Power. Dedicate 60 minutes to this routine each day and you’ll find yourself set into a routine.

20 minutes – go for a walk, work up a sweat, dance – anything to increase your heart rate and pulse. This releases dopamine in your blood stream making your entire physiology and mind become alert and open.

20 min – read and visualize your written goals (don’t have them yet? No worries, spend 30 minutes today and write down your top 3 goals and why you want to achieve them) During this time feel the experience of that goal becoming a reality and take in the feel of how it feels to be there. Anchor this feeling in your heart each day and you’ll start to attract the right resources and find yourself in the right place, at the right time.

20 min – wrap up the hour by reading something uplifting and inspiring to put you in the right frame of mind. NEWSPAPERS are not in this category for sure! You could read a book, watch a video, listen to some audio books or podcasts and infuse your mind with thoughts of possibility, dreaming big and rewiring your mind in the most amazing way.

This hour of power can also be crunched to 15 minutes by spending 5 minutes on each step (only when you genuinely cannot dedicate the time) and slowly you increase the time.This is a great tool to find your rhythm and to stick it to manifest mastery!


While motivation is external, inspiration is what comes from within and fuels your days with an undying spirit to go out there and craft the life of your dreams. But there are days and weeks on end, where we feel off colour, lost in the fire fighting and making it through to the next day feels like climbing a massive mountain. Hold on. Breathe. This is not just you…it happens to most people and very often.

And that is why this tip makes so much sense. Seek inspiration on a daily basis – tune out of work and tune in to yourself for atleast 20 minutes everyday. During these 20 minutes, go out for some fresh air, be in nature, walk down to a nearby cafe, read a book, play your favourite music and go for a quick run… become fully present in your here and now and breathe in gratitude for this day. Once you are refuelled you get straight back into work and create magic!


Here’s the thing about doing your greatest work: as you get closer to what you’re truly capable of producing, your ego will subconsciously seduce you to stop moving in that direction. You’ll feel like Skyping the office or checking your Instagram feed or taking a nap, thirst will kick in, you may yawn ….or many such distractions will crop up and try to do everything to steer you off course.

Don’t let your lower self cause you to betray the gifts embedded in you. Your loved ones need you to fly. And our world will be a whole lot better off when the brilliance of your light shines. So stick to the desk, do your job and to the little voice that so badly wants to keep you stuck…listen to this voice…and say thanks for sharing…and move on. No matter what we do…this little voice…lives inside us as long as we live. Asking us to snuggle up deeper in bed when the alarm goes off, making us sit a little longer on that social media page trying to keep us from doing our greatest work… and so on. Pick yourself up, cut the noise and move one step ahead at a time.


In my years of studying goal setting and the science of achieving them, i find a common thread. Most often people are stuck in a weird loop – set a goal, achieve it, set another goal, achieve it, set yet another goal, go on and achieve it or may be not….Not being able to achieve your goals can slowly and steadily build the baggage of guilt, reduce your steam and make achieving the next goal a herculean task. Is this you? Well, it is most of us at some point in time…

To crack free from this guilt, i’ve noticed two things work brilliantly well. First is to consolidate the journey from where you started to how far you’ve come. Acknowledge it. You may not have made it to the end, but you’ve surely moved ahead and navigated your way a little ahead. Appreciate it. And the one that nails it all is REWARD YOUR WINS. What if you set a goal, achieve it…and before you get on with the next one, you take time out and take in this success, celebrate it and reward yourself for the good work!

Research shows when you celebrate a win, and reward yourself – you increase the chances of repeating this success with the next goal. Why? Simple – what gets appreciated, appreciates in your life – you become and attract more of that which you appreciate. So the next time you set a goal and achieve it – remember to complete the loop by rewarding your win!

Be back to this space for more shares on goal setting.