Corporate Gifting Trends

Why Promotional Gifts Are Not Corporate Gifts And Vice Versa!

Having been in the corporate gifting space for over two decades, we’ve seen a long list of promotional gifts, corporate gifts, conference gifts and so on make their way to prestigious corporate desks. And over the years, these words have become synonymous with each other. This is where a new set of challenges have shot up in the last few years. Buyers and sellers both often confuse between these and end up disappointing each other.

Corporate gifts are not promotional gifts and vice versa! Why? Here are a few key differences:


A promotional gift is used to distribute to public, who are not yet your clients! And it is meant for them to get familiar with you, what you do, your brand and what it is that you are all about! It is a visibility tool.

A corporate gift is used to build long lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with existing clients and associates to remind them of your association with them and that you value the relationship.


The budget you set aside for each of these will vary. Corporate gifts are useful in engaging in deep relationships – they will require a higher spend.

Promotional gifts are to be procured in bulk, since it is meant for mass distribution. It is prudent to go with low per unit cost items, so you can distribute freely.


Promotional gifts are used for the purpose of generating brand awareness in different target markets – to create visibility.

Corporate gifts are used to remind the recipient of your world class service, create a relationship recall, make you smile, make you want to call, refer, meet for coffee, keep you top of the mind for the next gift occasion and be in continuous engagement with each other.

So the next time you want to buy a gift, you may want to use the above useful identifying steps to be clear about what you want to achieve through the gifting exercise! After all, every dollar spent on gifting has to bring in great Return on Time Invested!

Keep gifting, spread some joy and smile on a job well done!

Connect with us for clarity on the next gifting occasion you have and we’ll be happy to engage with you! Together let’s bring in more joy this season…to the giver, the receiver and mother earth!

Leena Munot
The Giving Tree